

        The Ministry of Human Empowerment
Let not our grains become chaff !!


An Intensive Orientation Programme for the parents to rear their children in true Christian faith and  with moral-spiritual foundation by showing them imitable example and teaching them the our faith and thereby empowering to face the challenges and pressures of the modern world. The Project launched by The Ministry of Human Empowerment of Malankara Orthodox Church is titled as “Pathiravaruthu Ee Kathirukal “(Let not our grains become chaff) This project is in continuation  of  the projects of MOHE like Kudumba Bhadratha (Family Welfare- 2009) and U-turn (The Anti-Addiction Campaign-2010).

Though this project is to be executed on a long term basis at the parish-District-Diocese levels, the first phase of the project will be from 1 October. 2011 to 31 December.2011.

The world and the society are undergoing incessant change day by day, a galloping change which we may not have seen in our wildest dreams. These pose untold challenges and issues in the contemporary society .The most notable casualty is our family system.  The main challenges are:

1.       The of nuclear family and “no-clear” family

2.       The growth of consumerist-flat-fast culture.

3.       Divorce and family disintegration.

4.        Changes in the relation between parents and children.

5.       The influence of visual media like T.V and Computer.

6.       The revolution brought in by the introduction of internet.

7.       The challenges posed by mobile phone.

8.       The  mad craze for prodigality and luxury.

9.       Life style diseases, health problems.

10.   Gross  negligence to the aged and elderly people.

Due to these large such changes in family system and culture there is no space for proper communication, character formation and galvanization of faith in children. The side effects of this is very tangible in the church.

1.       Downfall in the  number of children attending Sunday school.

2.       The participation of people in the age gap 17-35 in Holy Qurbana and the services is very minimal.

3.       A considerable percentage of youngsters who go for higher studies and professional education find their way in New Generation Churches and other Christian movements.

4.       Others go astray and attracted to liquor, drugs, Satan worship, and other aberrations.

5.       The  commitment and allegiance to faith and the church are decreasing alarmingly.

Under these circumstances, it is high time  to give proper orientation to the parents.

This is the first phase of an ongoing awareness creation programme. During these three months of intensive conscientization, we envisage their following.

To be done on the parish level.

1.       To spread the information about this project, its aims and objects among parish members.

2.       Convene a joint meeting of all  the spiritual organisations and allocate programme for each of them.

3.       Each organization to organize at least one  programme.

4.       Install a banner at prominent place at the church compound before 30th sept. 2011

5.       Invite the experts  and the resource persons who are included in the list sent to all parishes and arrange classes.

6.       Parent’s day  (Nov.13), Children’s Day  (Dec. 4) are to be celebrated in a befitting manner. Let a parent and child deliver the Sermons  on these days.

7.       A programme to honor the grand fathers  and grand mothers .

8.       A meeting of the ‘Godparents’ to be organized to instruct their responsibilities and duties.

9.       Encourage people to celebrate the spiritual birthday (The day of baptism)  every year.

10.   A ‘Young couples’ meet’ to prepare parents for responsible parenthood.

11.   Exhort people to avoid luxury and prodigality during wedding, baptism, house blessing and birthday.

12.   An orientation programme for the students who go for higher studies after +2

13.   Poster, cartoon, Essay writing, Poem, story competition.

14.   Organize  rallies, street plays etc

15.   Distribute tracts and pamphlets on Christian parenting.